Page 13 - 2017 yearbook
P. 13

Building Bonds and Bridges                                   By: Andres Maza

                          Every year, a group of seniors      “While working to build  a  is a totally different experience,”
                  travel to the Dominican Republic to  bridge with my 51 brothers, we were  said   senior   Michael   Balbuena.
                  help build a bridge for the people of the  able  to become  a  lot  closer.  From     All throughout the week,
                  local villages. Last summer, almost 50  sharing bunk beds to eating together  whenever they were not working on
                  seniors participated in this  incredible  it was an overall bonding experience,”  the bridge, the seniors had the chance
                  experience known as the Youth Mission.  said  senior  Teobaldo    Rosell.  to do many exciting things including
                          It took the students ten full days     Seniors had the opportunity  playing  baseball and  hanging  out
                  to build a much needed bridge for the  to meet the people who lived there  in the river with the local children.
                  locals in the town of Batey in Piedra  and step into their shoes for a short  They were even able to go hiking in
                  Blanca.  This bridge connected one side  while.  They worked at least eight  the mountain range near the village.
                  of the town to the other to facilitate  hours a day for the ten days they were     “Even though the families
                  transportation in and out for the people.  there,  and  assimilated  to  the  culture  had nothing, they always had a smile
                  Additionally, the seniors also delivered   and way of living of the Dominicans.  on their faces. The families were
                  canned goods that had been collected        “Seeing poverty on TV and  always ready to share whatever
                  in school in the previous months.   actually living in poverty for  10 days,  they had,” said Alejandro Barnola.

                  While working near a local river, members of the graduating class of 2017 take a minute from the heavy labor to cool off and pose for a picture.  The seniors traveled to the town of Batey in
                                                                            Piedra Blanca, Dominican Republic in the summer as part of the Youth Mission Program.

                   Digging in the ground, senior Matthew Bravo and Gabriel Seda help the locals carry a bucket line of  Using all available manpower, the seniors along with the locals help to mix cement.
                                                                cement for the bridge.
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