Page 17 - 2017 yearbook
P. 17

‘Tis the season for popular brands

                                      FALL                                                                       SUMMER


            An avid fisherman, freshman Jacob Marrero opts for the Columbia brand   Snowboarding on the slopes, eighth grader Mark Adams prefers The   On the shoreline, eighth grader Sebastian Arrizurieta wears the
            to weather any environment.              North Face brand to keep him warm.    Vineyard Vines brand to keep cool in the summer heat.

                                                              By: Patrick Perez Dress to Impress

                    When it came to fashion, Miami was always      Although not as hot as the summer, the fall   grader Mark Adams heads to Vail to snowboard.  This
             the in place to be.  Whether it was clothing to make the   season did include some warm days.  Freshman Jacob   activity required heavy snow gear that most people in
             hot summer days cooler, or warming up to travel north   Marrero loved to wear light sweatshirts or hoodies during   Miami did not own.  For Adams it was all about The North
             for the snow, Miamians definitely knew how to dress the   this season.  His choice of brand was always the Columbia   Face.  This brand offered clothing items that ranged from
             part.  One of the most popular brands that took off last   outdoor gear.  This brand of clothing was specifically good   under garments to heavy snow coats.
             year was Vineyard Vines.  Their short and long sleeve   for outdoor activities, and Marrero used the hoodies and      “The  North Face  is  the  best  because  that’s
             T-shirts were made of 100% cotton which was both   shirts when fishing.      what all the pros wear when they board. I also wear
             stylish and cooling.  It seemed that this brand was ideal      “Columbia hoodies are the best for the boat   goggles to prevent snow from getting into my eyes,” said
             for the Miami summers.                because the dry fit material doesn’t let you get too hot   Adams.
                    “I like to wear their bathing suits because of   and it feels good with the breeze,”said Marrero.     Regardless of weather or season, it was
             the colorful styles and light materials,” said eighth grader      When looking  to  get away from  the  typical   always up to the individual to make his own fashion
             Sebastian Arrizurieta who was a frequent beach goer.     Miami heat in search of cooler temperatures, eighth   statement.  After all, a brand is only just that.

                               THE  CAT  IN  THE

                      Ever since senior Carlos Gallo went on a trip to Malibu and
              visited the Malibu Surf Shack, he became obsessed with collecting
              surf hats. His favorite brands were RVCA, Billabong, Volcom and
              Hurley. Gallo’s collection has since grown to over 25 hats. He wore
              his hats everywhere from parties to the beach.
                      “Collecting hats is a really fun hobby that’s easy to do.  It helps
              me define my stye and personality,” said Gallo.
                      Hats could not only be a fashion statement, but they also hid
              a bad haircut or simply someone’s unruly hair.  Instead of combing it
              out, just put on a favorite hat, and simply walk out of the house.
                      “Whenever I wake up in the morning, my curly hair is always a
              mess. So instead of brushing my hair it’s so much easier to just wear a
              hat,” said eighth grader Kyle Guso.
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